When it was time to update the Atlantic Bridge website we had to think about what it is used for by our stakeholders. Our marketing and sales team had one view and our technical another. How did we resolve it? We asked our customers, our associates and our contacts what they thought.

As you can imagine it was a mixed bag of responses but one thing that was clear about our business was that people wanted information. There were two clear reasons for this strong response, one was that a site with useful information helped them to make informed decisions and the other was that good information indicated a company who knew what they were talking about.

Once we had decided on content the visual feel and colours needed to be decided on. For this area the marketing team worked closely with the web designers who suggested blue as a good technical based colour and a simple clear design which we really liked.

The sales and marketing team worked with the technical team to put together good useful information with the aim of making the site a useful reference point. Was there any extra information you think we should have included?

Atlantic Bridge are always happy to field any questions companies have about compliance – just send an email through and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.


Last site update 7 December 2021