The Low Voltage Directive

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The Low Voltage Directive

THE UK Electrical equipment safety Regulations 2016 (ex EU LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE (LVD) 2014/35/EU) apply from 1/1/2022 for existing equipment an immediately for newly designed equipment.

Products Affected

The Regulations apply to all electrical equipment, except for those exemptions shown below (including any electrical apparatus or device), that is designed or adapted for use between 50 and 1,000 volts (in the case of alternating current) or 75 and 1,500 volts (in the case of direct current).

The Regulations also cover the supply of the component parts of electrical equipment which, if used as intended, result in the equipment failing to comply with the Regulations.



The Directive does not apply to:

  • Equipment for use in an explosive atmosphere
  • Equipment for radiology and medical purposes
  • Electricity supply maters
  • Plugs. socket outlets and adaptors for domestic use
  • Fence controllers
  • Parts for goods lifts and passenger lifts
  • Specialised electrical equipment for use on ships, aircraft or railways,
which complies with the safety provisions drawn up by international 
bodies in which the Member States participate
  • Electrical equipment supplied for export to a country which is not a 
member of the European Community


Suppliers Affected

The regulations apply to all persons in the business supply chain whether or not die business is one of supplying electrical equipment. They affect:

  • Manufacturers
  • Importers
  • Wholesalers
  • Retailers (including mail order traders)
  • Persons who hire out electrical equipment
  • Persons (including auctioneers) who sell second hand electrical equipment in the course of trade.



Compliance is by meeting the Safety Objectives in Annex I (Essential Requirements). These cover more than electric-shock hazards and include: overload conditions, high temperatures, the production of radiation, physical hazards such as sharp edges etc. Furthermore, the product must be able to withstand the expected environmental conditions without causing hazard to persons, domestic animals or property.

Harmonised Standards. Compliance is mainly through meeting harmonized standards. A very large number of product-specific standards have now been issued, and it is most important to identify which standards apply . If in doubt contact Atlantic Bridge.

Testing. Most LCD harmonized standards call for tests to be carried out. This should be by a competent Test House which has the particular standard within its scope.