OHSAS 18001 - Health & Safety Management

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BS ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety Management

Businesses require a Safety System comprising a Health and Safety policy with Arrangements. For Companies with 5 or more employees this must be written.

This will need support from risk assessment and safe methods of work (in some instances).

The system will need to meet with local regulatory requirements.

There are many sets of regulations, codes of practice, and guidance notes that must be considered.

For companies in the service sector or construction sector, Customers often require evidence of Health and Safety Compliance.

This can be achieved by producing copies of your health and safety documentation for review.

As many customers require a form of verification of a Safety System the SSIP mutual recognition arrangements have been introduced with the approval of the HSE. This permits you to obtain one certificate and use that to obtain any other certification from another SSIP assessor.


N.B. ISO18001 has been repalced by ISO45001

To go further would mean a formal assessment to BS ISO 45001. This requires an enlarged set of arrangements linked to the  standard but covering all relevant regulations. The employment of a third party assessor ultimately confers the standard following a successful audit. Many assessment bodies can also confer SSIP compliance providing the best of both worlds.

If you wish to implement any of the above:

Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advice and hands-on help.